The political mafia in Norway and other Scandinavian countries use illegal laws and political organized criminality to kidnap and steal children, it's totally illegal, but they don't care.
They use false so called "children protection", both to kidnap children from both their parents and from one of them to the another. It's a big grotesq industry and a contagious inter-national scandal and catastrophe, that needs the world's attention to be criminal prosecuted and stopped!
Out-plunderings, false documentation, kidnappings, capture hold and torture.
Politics that have become organized crime, elite and nepotism.
It is now on the Internet and Facebook so huge amounts of documentation, reports, and attestations on the the Norwegian political mafia genocide and crimes against fellow human beings and their children and parents that it is impossible for just a human or some being able to go into each individual case in the incredibly enormous amount of cases. But the main features, methods and recipes are clear and unequivocally. And it is an enormous genocide which is going on and very fast and contagious becoming more and more spread and is spreading from country to country.
Out-plunderings, false documentation, kidnappings, capture hold and torture - illegal acts and decisions and opposite law - are key components in the now ongoing type genocide and crimes against human dignity and humanity. Degradation, human- and gender- discrimination too. And that the children are being used as weapons and for human trafficking for both targeted and arbitrary to destroy fellow human beings and families. All and the whole with monstrous apartings, perversions, destructions, destabilizations, power- and authority- abuse and suffering as consequence. It is a national and inter-national contagious catastrophe of enormous dimensions.
To obtain criminal persecuted and stopped this now fastest and best possible requires both nationally and inter-nationally work and engagement. And what could be more important?
Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) & parents
Art 29 p 1 c:
"States Parties agree that the education of the child shall be directed to:
The development of respect for the child's parents, his or her own cultural identity, language and values, for the national values of the country in which the child is living, the country from which he or she may originate, and for civilizations different from his or her own."
Art 7 p 1:
"The child shall be registered immediately after birth and shall have the right from birth to a name, the right to acquire a nationality and, as far as possible, the right to know and be cared for by his or her parents."
For many people to be denied the right to their own family and their own children, or parents, it means to be denied the right to life. And for many to be denied the right to maintain their own integrity, identity, family, heritage and genealogy. For many people, children and parents, this also means and imply in gross worst manner to be tortured, destroyed, out-plundered and killed.
In a period of 13 years from 1990 to 2002, the Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research, NIBR, followed 100,000 children and young people in so-called child protection in Norway.
The report says that about 150 children and about 1000 parents took their own lives during the so-called child protection "care" and takeover regime during this period.
And then is not even the false death certificates, that probably are many many more, included!
Watch This:
The most senior family judge in England and Wales said the public had the right to see this video so the work of social services departments and family courts could be debated, that the case raised important questions around the reporting of disgruntled parents' complaints about "deficiencies" in the family justice and care systems, and there was a "pressing need" for "much more transparency" in the family justice system. In America, we give grant money for human experimentation.
Judge rejects ban on naming and shaming social workers
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