Thursday, November 29, 2012

We Don't Know Anything About It. It Could Be....

When did violence against women start: It started along time ago when cavemen dragged cavewomen to their diggs. It started when neighbors turned their faces ignoring the brutality. It started when neighbors all said, "It's his woman to do as he pleases."

The strategy is to shred her credibility. Government officials do this to break her so she won't get to the stand. They drag her through the mud, hoping she won’t have the courage to testify.

The irony is victims act out, they act antisocial, and predators turn around and say, "You see, they’re messed up.”

Hate hurts us all, except the Napa Police Department in California

A Mallory who has been beaten beyond recognition can also be found in a woman whose civil and human rights have been violated. Sometimes, we fight just so we can be independent of  "a man." Government officials leave us with nothing but a couch to lay in because to them that is the extent of usage of a woman's ability.

The Elimination of Violence against Women

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) expressed its concern over the continuing discrimination against women in all spheres, including politics, education, employment, and health.

The home continues to be a dangerous place for many women, due to high rates of domestic violence. Moreover, women victims of domestic violence face formidable obstacles in obtaining access to justice. For most women, the laws that exist on paper regarding their right to equity and justice do not always translate into reality.

Women are more likely than men to be poor, they have less access to housing and health-care services, and they are subject to physical and sexual violence to a greater degree than men. In addition, discrimination against women intersects with such factors as race, ethnicity, and poverty.

 The Commission has noted that the lack of an effective response by the State and the impunity that prevails when it comes to violence and discrimination make it more likely that such acts will be repeated.


We are tired of being your human battering instruments. We are tired of male domination of our rightfully inherited trust that we will never see. We are tired of mean misogynist men who steal our possessions and hurt our animals. We are tired of you abducting our children. We are tired of seeing women in the military raped. We are tired of your denigration of women. We are tired of your predators roaming around the street disguising themselves as priests, pastors, football coaches, government representatives. We are tired of living in the USA with absolute and petrifying fear. We are tired of hiding and running for our lives like in WWII. We are tired of men escaping the criminal justice system for heinous crimes against women!


Tell Your Attorney Generals in each city and state that we are warning all shit disturbing twerps, punks, menaces, drunks, bigots...

If this happens to me, I will filet my attacker in 50 pieces and send each piece to the Secretary of each state.

                   Secretary of State Office Web Sites for 
                     All U.S. States and Territories

Tell Every Attorney General We 
                           Are Tired Of Being Human 
                             Battering     Instruments 

                                      Put An End To The Child 
                     Abduction Epidemic In The USA


These mean misogynist men don't care what happens to women. Why else is the violence against women NOT A PRIORITY?

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